Monday, January 7, 2008

Concepts of a Squid-Chick ... thingie!

I am holding off on some of the ideas though I will list what I have planned it's just that their concept art isn't quite as along as this one. *hrm* no, they are I just want todo more and I was pleased enough with this one to show it.

I know, I need to be more open to showing my stuff.
Anywho, this is a concept idea for a Telekenetic Squid-Chick! *beams* I really am lousy at naming things. As my characters are generally designed in a potential game-usage light (hence the course, of course, *beams*) my thoughts as I was creating her were for a dual FPS/RTS theme. (something I spoke of in class)
Her species are matriarchal and I had this whole males are a sub-cast thing I forget the details now. Luckily I did write down all the particulars ... somewhere.

I know that she looks rather humanoid, the idea was her species evolved to be able to walk on land. I wasn't content with this alone and thought it would be neat if though they had legs they had passively adapted their telekenetic abilities to glide just above the ground. *hrm* it's a food for thought thing, I'll munch on it more later.

I have further ideas regarding the clothing, but that is all apart of my desire to develop my concept art further, as mentioned in my previous post.

I had a number of designs that were not all entirly humanoid; I did however like the humanoid aspects and thus focused more on that theme.

I did this one as an early idea for the female but on reflection I liked ladies to have legs and though it isn't illustrated here I was thinking males could go with this look more.

*hrm* a few ideas where thrown into this one, I tend todo that and will design one half of the body differently to the other to compare and later finialise on a look.
On the left I did a fleshy overlay thing (*puzzle*) I wanted to say tenticle but really it's not. it's too flat and hugs against the lower body where the legs would be. Anyway on the right side just opposite this I worked in a little fin.
Again this principal was playing on the passive telekenetic glide deal.

Oh, I love jesters but I don't recall this having anything to do with it but the shoulder region isn't garment but rather apart of the body that appears to be clothing. I think I was looking at images of coral when I did it.

*smile* and I also tried a little posing of the hair/tendrils but didn't worry about detail for them. I have that planned out for the final concept.

This is her facial design. I've always wanted todo something like this, and no, I don't mean the tenticles! ... though they do look cool. *smile*
What I refer to is the mouth, it is better illustrated in the image below this one but the idea is that they had normal mouths with which to speak (having not always lived in the sea). But due to their progressive evolution in Telepathy (offset of the Telekenesis) the mouth has subsequently evolved partially closed.

I think it looks great, you can see the lips underneith with fleshy links trying to bind them shut. *smile* I was thinking if they do talk it would sound in this trippy un-earthly voice.

This is essentially the Front/Side for use in the
modelling phase. it's a little offset but not enough to be a bother.

You can better see here on the front view the closing mouth concept.

And not alot of detail was placed in. I wanted to avoid cluttering the shape for modelling. When I need to put in the cranium detailing (tenticles'n stuff!) I will revert to the above detailed side-view.

My First Post!

What for the love of squoodly woodly to write.
Well, bloggy-intent would be a good place I think. This little bloggy (didn't go to market, however) is for providing I guess a place for collegues of my school to squizz and poke at my work.
I am looking forward to this for no other reason than it being nice for my work to be poked at instead of myself. *beams*

After school was done I was having a little trouble unwinding. I had this gniggling feeling that kept me busy, and I managed to get a number of works for concept art well under-way. I would normally say finished, but I have opted to challenge myself in this regard to endevour to do something extra special for my Concept Art and develop them further.
My intention was to have all the concept art ready with front/side templates set for modelling by new years. Well sadly I came down ill and am presently playing that age-ol' game of catch-up!

All that said, you are likely wondering where the artwork is. *blush* well, I kinda-sorta made this blog without any regard to scanning the piccies in first. And a blog with nothing written is a sorry thing to see, so here we are with a blog textually illustrating illustrations without showing a damn thing. Sorry, you shall just have to wait a bit.