Friday, April 18, 2008

Further SteamPunk Pirate Design

Okies, someways into my 4th design I realised I was doing something I have a bad tendancy todo when working on Female Characters. I kinda over femanised it and I started to loose some of the appeal I had already achieved.

So I reverted to the 3rd concepts stance, I really like that stance, and it was raised in passing conversation with Adam about an Eye Patch and Parrot and it reminded me that I had a distinct steampunk pegleg alteration I had completely forgotten about.

So here is what I hope will be the final design. You can see I have setup a mechanical leg instead of a pegleg, and also I did want something a little more famanine but not obvious. So I have worked the collar of the coat in a well ... I'm not sure if it's overly femanine ... but it's not-not feamanine. *boggle* It's large and styled and I likes it! *beams*

Oh yeah, and I did allow the fringe to show with the hair. *dies* Americans for some strange reason call them bangs (LONG story) ... so if your american you'll know what I mean by the fringe.


Not Used Anymore~! said...

It's looking good! Though, the mechanical limb for a pirate has been done before.... Can't remember the name of the movie, but it's a Disney film I'm thinking about.

Sky said...

ya, I recall seeing something like it before myself. Though can't recall from where. I knew it wasn't an original idea but It seemed rare enough to be fresh.

I dunno about the disney movie, maybe one of those treasure island-like ones? Haven't really seen those yet.

but hey, fresh is still neat. *beams*